Sunburn? ...In Springtime???
Spring is the best time of year for getting out there and getting that yard or garden fixed up and waking up the begonias, and you would be right if you thought that is will be a benefit as far as your health and wellbeing. Just two quick points that revisit our other posts, watch for changing weather and TAKE YOUR ALLERGY MEDS!! ok, enough of the public announcements... on to the garden!!
So, you've tilled the ground, planted the seeds, watered,
fed, weeded, nourished, mowed and discarded your dead grass and weeds... Now for some much-needed
rest and... OUCH!! WHY IS MY SKIN HURTING SO BAD?! I must have looked at a bull
nettle sideways... the redness, slight swelling, maybe a little itchy? but, no,
I don't have nettles in my front yard, or in my garden... Did I get a
sunburn??? but... but... it's Spring!
Unfortunately, this scenario plays out year after year, in
many yards and gardens around our area and across the country. Sunburns in
Spring! yes, it happens... The Sun is the Sun, and it does not discriminate
between the seasons, but there is one teeny tiny little detail many
suburbanites and country yokels forget every Spring... You've been covered by
clothing (we hope so) or indoors for the better part of four months and now you
are exposing your skin to a marathon mowing session or garden party of
sunlight, without the benefit of sunscreen.
Your skin is sensitive to the light and even the most tanned
and sun-bleached individual will have lost some tolerance to the sun, during
the winter months. so, when you step outside for the first bit of yard work,
your skin is breathing a sigh of relief to finally be uncovered and it is also
soaking up the Sun faster than you realize and before you know it, it has had too
much. our solar over-exposure response, unfortunately, is a bit slow on the up
take and we are not aware we've burned until it is too late.
The thing to think about, when emerging from solar
hibernation, is moderation and medication. Take precautions, such as the
1. Use sunscreen - even if it's only for fifteen minutes,
use your sunscreen. especially if you are, shall we say, of Irish descent. but
even if you tan like a surfer you still need to use Sunscreen, because the
Sun's rays can still damage your skin, and can lead to skin cancer.
2. Cover up - yes, I know... we just went through that with
winter! but, if you use a long-sleeved shirt or a large "Grandpa"
straw hat to cover your head and shoulders (I see a joke in there somewhere),
you can decrease your chances of a searing Springtime sunburn.

Well, that about wraps up our Sunscreen supposition, or our
Springtime Sunburn Symposium... and remember, lightening can strike 5 miles
from a thunderstorm! ...oh, wait... I mean, just because it doesn't feel like
summer outside, you can still get a sunburn in the Spring!
These steps are not medical advice and should only be used for
educational purposes. If you have issues with sun burning or allergies to some
sunscreens, see your dermatologist for advice.
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